When we opened the Clay Squared Gallery last spring it was definitely one of those “If we build it will they come?” moments. Then the road was closed and it seemed like they wouldn’t be able to come if they wanted to! My husband Josh and I decided we had to make a reason for people to traverse the torn up roads and get to us so we needed to think outside the box and. invent something new.
Lowry Ave closed the week after I opened in April 2024 and reopened October 20th.
We were on a road trip back from an art fair in Tennessee, driving through the amazing mountains and the inspiration for a community get together started to take shape. I jotted down random thought in my notes ap on my phone. Things like “stories expanded into experience in our studios”, “food themes, math themes, travel themes”, “lunch hour rendezvous”. Before long we were riffing on all kinds of fun concepts and the name for these events popped out- “Snack and Squish”.
We landed on a structure where every month we had a two word theme that related to our topic. They were anything but serious- “Frosting and Sprinkles”, “Bagels and Beagles”, “Worms and Blankets”. Since Clay Squared to Infinity is a two clay studio this all made sense! We wanted our participants to get a chance to experience both of our clays- ceramic terra-cotta and polymer. Our plan was to start with snacks- always related to the theme and then do a short squishing activity in each of our studios.
Now to get people to our studios at lunchtime on the second Wednesday of the month. This is where we relied on our thirty years of marketing our businesses- press releases, Facebook events, newsletters, flyers and LOTS of personal invites. We figured a lot people we’ve known over the years wanted to come to see our new gallery but they needed a reason to make it happen so these events became just that!
We saw many faces from the past like Rhonda our daughters’ fourth grade teacher and Laura Leonard one of the first artists I met when we moved to Minneapolis and people that had taken classes many years ago. We also met new people from the neighborhood and even far away lands like India! Some movers and shakers started to come regularly like the editor of the Northeaster, Vince Brown and his puppy Mable and even a crew from the Minneapolis Arts and Cultural Affairs Department.
Every month it’s fun to see who shows and we’ve been pleasantly suprised at the growing size of the attendance. The best part of it all has been seeing people connect and enjoy themselves squishing clay and snacking in our space! We hope to see you there sometime in the future- there are some fun themes coming up- I think my favorite is Pigs and Peacocks!
Our January Snack and Squish with lots of fun people having fun!